From checks and controls to changing the core culture
This document has been composed by a multidisciplinary Think Tank of 10 senior international financial services professionals, based in The Netherlands. The group’s expertise and experience in the international financial services industry encompasses all major areas, including risk management, general management and supervision, reporting and accounting, legal matters, corporate governance, leadership development, sustainability and academia.
This document serves to contribute to the Commission’s public consultation and aims at providing new perspectives and ideas for creating a sustainable European financial services sector for all stakeholders (shareholders, citizens, tax payers, banks, governments, supervisory authorities, employees and society as a whole). It also serves to promote good practices in banking that can provide inspiration for the development of new models of thinking and building blocks for a sustainable banking system.
- Jaarboek Corporate Governance
- Oratie 2014
- Female Board Index 2015
- Nationaal Commissarissen Onderzoek 2015: Remuneratie
- Speech ICC, 17 maart 2016
- Opinie in FD: Lange Termijn Waardecreatie is het nieuwe buzz-woord in corporate governance
Het Financieele Dagblad, 27-11-2018 - Opinie in FD:Het RvC-verslag wordt informatiever maar kan nog beter
Het Financieele Dagblad, 13-4-2018 - Opinie in FD: Een sectoroverstijgende governance code is verder weg dan ooit
Het Financieel Dagblad, 22-2-2017, p.9 - Integrity should be on the table in the boardroom
- the role of culture and behaviour in corporate governance codes
Speech at ICC March 17th 2016 - Opinie in FD:Minister van Justitie: waar zijn de vrouwen
4 september 2015