Towards a balanced composition?
Will Dutch corporates manage to have 30 percent women in their executive and supervisory boards without government interference such as quotas? Dr Mijntje Luckerath-Rovers reviews a parliamentary amendment aimed at this ’30 percent goal.’ Last December the Dutch parliament agreed to an amendment (31 763, nr.14) that Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards of major companies (with 250 employees or more) must strike a ‘balance’ between men and women. ‘Balance,’ the bill shows, means that at least 30 percent of directors and supervisors are female and at least 30 percent are male. The remaining 40 percent may be chosen as desired from both genders.
- Jaarboek Corporate Governance
- Oratie 2014
- Female Board Index 2015
- Nationaal Commissarissen Onderzoek 2015: Remuneratie
- Speech ICC, 17 maart 2016
- Opinie in FD: Lange Termijn Waardecreatie is het nieuwe buzz-woord in corporate governance
Het Financieele Dagblad, 27-11-2018 - Opinie in FD:Het RvC-verslag wordt informatiever maar kan nog beter
Het Financieele Dagblad, 13-4-2018 - Opinie in FD: Een sectoroverstijgende governance code is verder weg dan ooit
Het Financieel Dagblad, 22-2-2017, p.9 - Integrity should be on the table in the boardroom
- the role of culture and behaviour in corporate governance codes
Speech at ICC March 17th 2016 - Opinie in FD:Minister van Justitie: waar zijn de vrouwen
4 september 2015